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Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2

Tugas Softskill 4 Nama : Bella Alysha Vira NPM : 11115319 Kelas : 4KA10 Listening Section 7.  Speaker : So she did apply?     Question :  What had the man assume about Karen?     Answer : (C) She was certain to be admitted. 8.  Speaker : I ate wild berries at the picnic last week and I broke out in a rash.     Question : What does the woman say happened to her?     Answer : (C) She was allergic to the fruit she had eaten. 9. Speaker : Sure, W I T T N E R.     Question : How does the man say he spell his last name?     Answer : (B) Wittner. 10. Speaker : Sure, I could use the extra hours.       Question : What is the man probably going to do?       Answer : (D) Work when the woman was supposed to work. 11.  Speaker : We won 3 lost 5 and tied twice.       Question :  How many games does the man say his team tied?       Answer : (C) 2. 12.  Speaker : She couldn't find the classroom until after the class had begun.       Questi

Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2

Tugas Softskill 3 Nama : Bella Alysha Vira NPM : 11115319 Kelas : 4KA10 Unit 3 Problems Recording 3.1 Call 1 A : Hello, I'm calling about my new television, the instructions are missing. B : Sorry, they're laying very bad. Did you say instructions view in new video missing? A : No no, for own new television. Call 2 A : We can't find the remote control of our projector. Can you send us the one, please? B : So, you want us to new projector? A : No, not to projector, just remote control. Call 3 A : Our coffee machine is broken. Can we order new one? It's the new model, the silver 542. B : I'll write back down. So, the coffee machine model silver 942? A : Sorry, no, it's 542. Call 4 A : Thank you for calling online books. We can't deliver any books this week. we are sorry for the delay. Call 5 A : I'm phoning about our order of drinking water. B : Yes, it's there problem? A : I'm afraid so. Your delivery is lat

Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2

Tugas Softskill 2 Subject-Verb Agreement & Pronouns Nama : Bella Alysha Vira NPM : 11115319 Kelas : 4KA10 Exercise 11 : Subject-Verb Agreement 6. Your glasses were on the bureau last night.       Glasses : plural subject      Were : plural verb 7. There were some people at the   meeting last night.      (There were + plural subject)      There were : plural      Some people : plural subject 8. The committee has already reached a decision.      The committee : singular subject (collective nouns)      Has : singular verb 9. A pair of jeans was in the washing machine this morning.       A pair of jeans : singular       Was : singular verb 10. Each student has answered the first three questions.          Each :   singular       Has : singular 11. Either John or his wife makes breakfast each morning.       (Either + noun + or + singular noun + singular verb)        His wife : singular noun

Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2

Tugas Softskill 1  Sentence Pattern & Subject-Verb Agreement Nama : Bella Alysha Vira NPM : 11115319 Kelas : 4KA10 Exercise 1 : Subject, Verb, Complement, and Modifier 1. George / is cooking / dinner / tonight .       subject / verb phrase / complement / modifier of time 2. Henry and Marcia / have visited / the president .     subject / verb phrase / complement 3. We / can eat / lunch / in this restaurant / today .     subject / verb phrase / complement / modifier of place / modifier of time 4. Pat / should have bought / gasoline / yesterday .     subject / verb phrase / complement / modifier of time 5. Trees / grow .     subject / verb 6. It / was raining / at seven o'clock this morning .     subject / verb phrase / modifier of time 7. She / opened / a checking account / at the bank / last week .     subject / verb / complement / modifier of place / modifier of time 8. Harry / i

Analisis E-Government pada Kabupaten/Kota di Jawa Tengah

Analisis Kinerja Sistem (Analisis E-Government pada Kabupaten/Kota di Jawa Tengah) Disusun Oleh: Arvan Ramadhan (11115059) Bella Alysha Vira (11115319) Daffa Ridho Alfarisi (11115547) Dosen : F arida , Skom, MMSI FAKULTAS ILMU KOMPUTER DAN TEKNOLOGI INFORMASI UNIVERSITAS GUNADARMA 2019 PENDAHULUAN E-Government adalah penggunaan teknologi informasi yang dapat meningkatkan hubungan antara Pemerintah dan pihak-pihak lain. Penggunaan teknologi informasi ini kemudian menghasilkan hubungan bentuk baru, seperti : G2C (Government to Citizen), GSB (Government to Business Enterprises) dan G2G (Government to Government – inter agency relationship). Menurut panduan dari KOMINFO (2003), isi minimal pada setiap situs web pemerintah daerah : 1.      Selayang Pandang. 2.      Pemerintahan Daerah 3.      Geografi 4.      Peta Wilayah dan Sumberdaya 5.      Peraturan/Kebijakan Daera